Friday, November 20, 2009


i realized, we're always looking for the next thing to be displeased with. instead of rejoicing in the fact we wake up every morning, we sulk because we sleep alone. instead of being in awe of what God created, we try and find way to make it better, to make it ours. instead of looking forward to the change, we look back at what we could have changed. i'm guilty of all of this, and it's human nature. but it doesn't mean its right, and it doesn't mean it cant be changed. it's so important to remember that God is so much bigger than us and what we go through.

recently i went through a situation where two people i loved were about to do something i didn't want them to do. i asked them not to, and so badly i wanted it to stop. it ended exactly how i expected it would.

but the thing is, my reasons were so selfish. i was just afraid of the distance that would form between me and the both of them the closer they got, and i put my fears before their happiness.

and the distance is there, it was inevitable. but i realised it was God's way of showing me i'd become too dependent on my friends. i lost sight of Him and forgot how He'd told me i'd never be alone.

but i'm not, so i just need to grab his hand and let him pull me out of this.
He always will.

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