Sunday, January 31, 2010

i forgot how awesome this was.

if our greatest need was for information,
God would have sent an educator.
If our greatest need was for techonology,
God would have sent a scientist
If our greatest need was for money,
God would have sent an economist,
But since our greatest need is for forgiveness,
God sent a savior.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

i'll be honest

i've just felt very uninspired, to do almost anything.
to write,
play piano,

i just spend my time being disgusted with myself.
for multiple reasons.

and i keep clicking "new post" everyday and i just leave the tab open until i leave my computer to go to bed. there's a whole lot of exciting things to say but i can't do justice to any of them in the state that i'm in unfortunately.

i've also been having a lot of issues with my faith lately, which is probably i'm in this place.
i stopped reading as much and i've just become this vegetable in my room that doesn't really want to talk to God or fix anything.
but the last thing i did read was
Matthew 14: 22-33
which is ironic.

i just need to get it together.

so i'll come back when i can, which hopefully wont be too long!

all i need to do is stop focusing on other peoples' problems and work on my own.

Monday, January 11, 2010

I'm only human

And You are so much more

I just need to remember that

Monday, January 4, 2010

helloo beloved of 2010

it is indeed the new year and so far its been really good! there's so much stuff to look forwards too

in 3 days it'll be karina's birthday, in 5 days it'll be the weekend and we have a lot of plans, anddd in 10 days its puerto rico time!

i can't even begin to tell you how excited i am. mainly because it's freezing in new york right now. i can almost already feel the heat from the sun, the relief of the water and the comfort of the sand finally between my toes again. (sorry if anyone is reading this, i don't mean to show off ;D)

i really think a place where it's always summer is where i belong though.

but anyway, as of right now all my relationships are in order and i'm really stoked about where God's been leading me and what he's been doing in everyone else's life around me. i realized that i want to do my best to share God's love with the people i know and meet.

i want to make it happen next opportunity i get.